Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Common Sense

Today is a great day to talk using common sense with our guns. Just because we have certain rights doesn’t mean we need to push these rights into other peoples’ face. I want to use a metaphor, just because it is your right to drive on a highway marked at 50 mph, if it is unsafe driving conditions such as snow, rain, or darkness you should hopefully have the sense to go a safer speed. What I’m referring to here is individuals that feel the need to carry their AR-15 into Starbuck’s because it is their God given right. I understand that, but in the debate of trying to win over people that are on the fence this does not help the situation.

I’m not referring to peaceful rallies or even someone that is out in public land that has run ins with individuals that aren’t armed. These are people that want to push the limits of their rights by putting people into a suspicious nature. As armed American we are learned to assess people in our immediate area. Not judge people, but threat assess. If I’m enjoying a pleasant little meal or snack and an armed person walks in even in a non-threating manner I’m going to be a little on edge.

This not only puts citizens in an uneasy state, but it also puts law enforcement in an awkward situation. There are those that are personally trying to do this to catch officers in awkward situations. With everything going on with these brave men and women every day we don’t need to put added stress on them. I digress though, back to me personally having to watch someone flaunting their rights by putting other people on edge.

This makes me uncomfortable as well if I have friends or family around I would be even more on edge. Being around firearms my whole wouldn’t make me nervous, it’s not the gun itself that puts me on edge, it’s the fact I don’t know what the mindset of the man with the gun is. I could assume that he is an law abiding American just flexing his muscles of liberty, but I’ve heard a saying or two about assuming things.

This all comes down to common sense again. Referencing the metaphor, just because we have the right and means to do something, doesn’t mean we should. This is part about being a Responsibly Armed American, knowing when to defend your rights and when you don’t need your rights defended. AS well to help bring more people into a great American tradition and pastime that can bring heritage to families.

Be safe America!

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