Considering these are posts about being an armed citizen we better talk about safety. I'm going to go to the very basics for new comers to the world of guns. The rule I feel is the most important to follow is this, treat every firearm as if it is a loaded weapon. It is surprising how often people can come across guns just laying about in the open. I wish I was making this up.
Talking with the public information officer at my university one time he told me of a story on how custodial found a firearm after an event while cleaning it up. Now you would think I would be upset at the individual that left the firearm behind and I am, but the worker that picked the gun up decided to pull the trigger. A shot went off and lucky went into the roof of the arena.
One more example, while living in Juneau and being member of a firearm discussion page there was not one, but two times people left firearms at the gun range. Nobody accidentally shot anybody with them thank goodness but you still need to be able to realize that you can't just pick a random gun up without treating it with the respect it deserves.
Check out stories of kids and adults that have accidentally shot someone because they thought the gun wasn't loaded. It all comes down to respecting your tools. That's all a firearm is, a tool that smashes things at high speeds. You don't just point a nail gun around at everyone on the job site for very long without getting reprimanded or let go if you cause an accident. The same goes with firearms, but the end result could be more permanent.
Appleseed is a great program that I encourage others to check out. Take this lesson to heart america and let us teach others how to be safe and respectful around firearms, because that is the only way to lower needless accidents with firearms.
To refresh yourself on other gun safety rules follow this link:
Check out project appleseed:
Be safe America!
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